Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Splendids and Bads V.3

Hello again!

I thought I would do another post for today, as I have some free time on my hands :)

  • Uni - In the near coming future this could indeed be under the bad heading but for now I am happy as I have been reunited with all my pals!
  • Gosh Darling - My fail safe, I still adore it!
  • Kickboxing - Ah my new love, I can't lift my hands over my head, but hey! its toning!!
  • Long Cardigans - hello autumn, hello cardigans! They hide a multitude of sins!!


  • Arrogance - Ok arrogance in anyone is bad! But in men its way bad, I experienced this yesterday with a guy I was kind of seeing a month ago, lets just say he has not been in my good books!
  • Weird Weather - I wish the weather would make its mind up on what it wants to do, Rain or Sun.........please decide, I plan my outfits around you!!
  • Bitchy Cliques! - Ok so there are some girls whom myself and a couple of my friends were close with. The summer seems to have changed them, as they were totally ignorant and bitchy with us at university. Boo You biatches!

Rant now over, I shall talk later

A xx

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